The Aeta Clan is a group of indigenous people who live in the scattered, isolated mountainous parts of Luzon, Philippines. They are thought to be among the earliest inhabitants of the Philippines, preceding the Austronesian migrations.

Currently, the Aeta Clan has is made up of 15 families with approximately 70 people and receive the equivalent of only $100 US dollars (4000 pesos) per month in government support. This money is being used to support the entire clan. The total population was larger but some of the individuals have moved away in search of manual labor in other locations. The only other income is from items they harvest. Unfortunately, they are only able to get small amounts of items back from the forest due to the lack of transportation.

In November 2014, The Way Empowering Missions agreed to assist the Aeta Clan with a couple of small business start-ups. It was initially decided that we would begin this process with a “Sari Sari” or store. Currently, the store sells about ₱ 200 (~$ 5 USD) per day on a good day. Many of the people that buy from the store must purchase items on credit due to the lack of funds.


Your donations and support will help give the Aeta Clan a sense of pride, hope and self reliance. Please donate today.